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Currently, you can read the following books / chapters (language is English, unless indicated otherwise):
* Models for the Sustainable Development of Cities (my BS thesis, University of Bucharest, 1997), in Romanian (PDF format)
* Empirical Spatial Distributions and the DAC Statistic (my Master thesis, University of South Carolina, 2000, in PDF format)
* Pescuitul sportiv in Romania (Sportive Fishing in Romania) (Casa de Editura DOKIA SRL, Cluj Napoca, Romania, ISBN 973-9074-76-6, 2000) - cover, contents in English or Romanian

* Dictionar poliglot al pasarilor din Romania (Polyglot Dictionary of Romanian Birds) (Casa de Editura DOKIA SRL, Cluj Napoca, Romania, ISBN 973-9074-77-4, 2000) - cover (Romanian)

* Selected chapters of my first Ph Dissertation (University of South Carolina, 2004), "Geostatistical Approaches to Microbial Image Quantification and Classification", in PDF format- the entire Dissertation cannot be posted on the Internet due to copyright issues * Analiza de mediu cu aplicatii in urbanism si peisagistica (Environmental analysis with applications in urbanism and landscape) (Publishing House of "Ion Mincu" University of Architecture and Urbanism, Bucharest, Romania, ISBN 978-973-7999-85-6, 2007) - cover and contents, in Romanian - PDF format
* Elemente de statistica urbana cu aplicatii rezolvate folosind programul Excel (Elements of urban statistics with applications resolved using Excel) (Publishing House of "Ion Mincu" University of Architecture and Urbanism, Bucharest, Romania, ISBN 978-973-7999-86-3, 2007) - cover and contents, in Romanian - PDF format
* Ecologie urbana, dezvoltare spatiala durabila si legislatie. O abordare ecologica a relatiilor dintre om, spatiul construit si mediu (Urban ecology, sustainable spatial development and legislation. An ecological approach of the relationships between man, the built space and the environment) - cover, description, abstract by chapters and contents - PDF format - in English or Romanian
* Elemente de regresie aplicata in stiintele medicale, stiintele vietii si stiintele Pamantului (Elements of regression applied in medical, life and Earth sciences) - cover, description and contents - PDF format - in English or Romanian
* Elemente de ecologie numerica si modelare (Elements of numeric ecology and modeling) (Editura Ars Docendi, Bucharest, Romania, ISBN 978-973-558-457-3, 2009) - PDF format - covers and contents in Romanian or covers, contents and postface in English
* Principii sintetice de aplicare a metodelor geostatistice in analiza sistemelor teritoriale (Synthetic principles of applying geostatistical methods to analyze territorial systems) (Editura Estfalia, Bucharest, Romania, ISBN 978-606-8284-09-5, 2011) - PDF format - front cover and contents in Romanian or English
* Systemic theory applied to ecology, geography and spatial planning. Theoretical and methodological developments (LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. KG, Saarbrücken, Germany, ISBN 978-3-8465-0260-0, 2011)
* Ecology & Sustainability of Territorial Systems: Concepts & Principles (Editura Ars Docendi, Bucharest, Romania, ISBN 978-973-558-905-9, 2016) - PDF format - cover and contents
* Pescar sportiv „de modă veche” în România (Old time sportive fisherman in Romania) (Bucharest, Romania, ISBN 978-973-0-31794-7, 2020) - PDF format - full book in Romanian

All papers contained on this site have been published or presented, therefore any partial or total use or reproduction of any information contained in these files must receive the prior consent of the authors.