Due to copyright issues, I can provide only external links to the abstracts of the following conference or journal peer-reviewed articles authored or co-authored:
* Spatial Statistics: The DAC Statistics (Joint Statistical Meetings, Atlanta, Georgia, 5-9 august, 2001)
* Electronic Health Care Records in Europe: confidentiality issues from an American perspective (Studies in Health Technology and Informatics 87:44-46, 2002)
* Using a Quick-Basic Application Based on the DAC Statistic to Detect Spatial Clusters (Control Engineering and Applied Informatics 4(1):55-64, 2002)
* An Application of Kriging in the Study of Spatial Variability of Bacterial Biofilms Using Confocal Microscopy, Digital Image Processing, and Geographical Information Systems (33rd Annual Meeting of the South Carolina Chapter of the American Statistical Association, Russell House, Columbia, SC, USA, April 26, 2002)
* Using Kriging and the DAC Statistic to Predict Low Birthweight Clusters in Spartanburg County, SC (Joint Statistical Meetings, New York, New York, SUA, 14 august 2002)
* Predicting Average Monthly Temperatures and Precipitations Using the Geostatistical Analyst (32nd Annual Meeting of the South Carolina Chapter of the American Statistical Association, Russell House, Columbia, SC, USA, April 18, 2003)
* Using geographical information techniques to quantify the spatial structure of endolithic boring processes within sediment grains of marine stromatolites (Journal of Microbiological Methods 56(2):173-180, 2004)
* Reconstruction and computation of microscale biovolumes using geographical information systems: potential difficulties (Research in Microbiology 155(6):447-454, 2004)
* Quantifying CaCO3 Microprecipitates Within Developing Surface Mats of Marine Stromatolites Using GIS and Digital Image Analysis (Geomicrobiology Journal 21(8):491-496, 2004)
* Analysis of the Orientation of Cyanobacteria in Bahamian Stromatolite Mats Using a Digital Image Analysis and GIS-Based Approach (Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai - Biologia 51(1):71-81, 2006)
* Privire asupra deteriorarii mediului (Looking at deterioration of the environment) - in Romanian (Revista romana de bioetica 4(2):82-91, 2006)
* Ecologia si teologia ortodoxa (Ecology and Orthodox Theology) - in English (Revista romana de bioetica 5(3):62-66, 2007)
* A novel computer-assisted approach using GIS and digital image analysis to estimate differences in concentrations of heterogeneous dispersed particles in solutions (Bulletin of the Polytechnic Institute of Iasi - Section Chemistry and Chemical Engineering 8/57(1-2):31-36, 2007)
* Synthetical approach to the Romanian Tisa Basin (Romanian Review of Regional Studies 3(1):1-132, 2007)
* Crestinismul si criza ecologica: teorie si practica (Christianity and the ecological crisis: theory and practice) (Tabor 1(12):52-65, 2008) - in Romanian
* The Salience of Different Sensorial Modalities in Women and Men: Is Face More Important than Voice in Mate Choice (19th Biennial Conference of the International Society for Human Ethology, Alma Mater Studiorum University, Bologna, Italy, July 13-17, 2008)
* Levels of biological diversity: a spatial approach to assessment methods (Romanian Review of Regional Studies 4(1):41-62, 2008)
* GIS assessment of geodiversity covered by natural protected areas in Romania (Studia Universitatis Vasile Goldis, Life Sciences Series 19(2):359-363, 2009)
* Ecologie, ecologism si ortodoxie: puncte de vedere si actiuni (Ecology, environmentalism and orthodoxy: viewpoints and actions) (Tabor 3(1):61-66, 2009) - in Romanian
* Integrated conceptual approach of natural and cultural heritage reflected in international conventions [in Romanian] (Argument 2:380-385, 2010)
* Potential accessibility and optimization of the national security corridor (Strategic Impact 36:89-98, 2010)
* Dynamics of geodiversity and eco-diversity in territorial systems (Journal of Urban and Regional Analysis 2(1):61-70, 2010)
* GIS analysis of an area representative for the Romanian hardly accessible mountain regions with a complex and high-valued touristic potential (Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 5(2):203-210, 2010)
* Land cover and use changes focused on the urbanization processes in Romania (Environmental Engineering and Management Journal 9(6):765-771, 2010)
* Ethical Issues in Epidemiological Data Analysis - English or Romanian (Revista romana de bioetica 8(1):101-109, 2010)
* Subject-Level Trend Analysis in Clinical Trials (Journal of Applied Quantitative Methods 5(1), 2010)
* Using Geographical Information Systems to assess the coverage of wetland biodiversity by Natura 2000 sites within the biogeographical regions of Romania (Environmental Engineering and Management Journal 9(2):269-273, 2010)
* Clustering of approaches to microbiological image enhancement and classification based on Buser & Baroni-Urbani's algorithm and Dragomirescu's homogeneity (Journal of Control Engineering and Applied Informatics 12(1):21-29, 2010)
* Continuous evaluation system: an American model adapted for Romania according to the requirements of the Bologna process (Revista de pedagogie 59(11):131-137, 2011)
* The different consuming of primary eco-energies and their degradation in territorial systems 6(2):251-260, 2011)
* Face and voice attractiveness - An online questionnaire study using static and dynamic stimuli (3rd ISHE Summer Institute on Human Ethology, Prague, July 5-9, 2011)
* The July surface temperature lapse in the Romanian Carpathians (Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 6(1):189-198, 2011)
* Geostatistical analysis of time series: an exploratory analysis of climatologic and ecological data using a spatial instrument (Journal of Applied Quantitative Methods 6(1), 2011)
* Redefining urban regeneration (Argument 4:201-215, 2012)
* Diversity of arthropod communities as an indicator of changes produced by the utilization of silvicultural techniques (Ekologia 31(1):22-32, 2012)
* In search of a relevant indicator measuring territorial disparities in a transition country. Case study: Romania (Die Erde 144(1):69-81, 2013)
* Unconventional maps: Geography beyond the real territories (Romanian Review of Regional Studies 9(1):3-10, 2013)
* Using Geostatistical Tools to Pinpoint 'Hotspots' Showing Biodiversity Threats: Romania as a Case Study (Nova Science Publishers, Inc., Hauppauge, NY, ISBN 978-1-62948-204-0, pp. 281-290, 2013)
* Tisza river case study (Wiley & Blackwell, Chichester, UK, ISBN 978-0-470-97741-5, pp. 205-229, 2013)
* Earthquake hazard impact and urban planning - conclusion and recommendations for further work (Earthquake Hazard Impact and Urban Planning, Springer, Earth Sciences & Geography - Natural Hazards Series 13, 2014)
* GIS-based methodology for the analysis of regional landscapes and their changes based on land cover and use: a planning perspective aimed at conserving the natural heritage (Planning and designing sustainable and resilient landscapes, Springer, Earth Sciences & Geography - Geography Series 18, 2014)
* Long-term environmental changes analysis using CORINE data (Environmental Engineering and Management Journal 13(4):847-860, 2014)