Note. For all educational and scientific materials hosted on linked websites, the policy of hosting websites or publishers applies. Materials hosted on this website are distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-ND).
Currently, due to copyright issues, I can provide only external links to the following peer-reviewed conference or journal articles authored or co-authored (language is English, unless indicated otherwise):
* Fish Contamination with PCBs in Lake Hartwell, SC (American Statistical Association Section on Statistics & the Environment Newsletter 4(1):2,4, 2000)
* Electronic Health Care Records in Europe: Confidentiality Issues from an American Perspective (Studies in Health Technology and Informatics 87:44-46, 2002)
* Using a Quick-Basic Application Based on the DAC Statistic to Detect Spatial Clusters (Control Engineering and Applied Informatics 4(1):55-64, 2002)
* La télédétection et les systčmes d'informations géographiques: instruments pour l’évaluation de l’impact du réseau de transportation sur l’environnement et pour comparer des cités situées dans des pays différents (CODATU XI - Congrčs Mondial-World Congress. Comment Rendre les Transports Urbains plus Attractifs? Towards More Attractive Urban Transportation, 2004) - in French
* Dezvoltarea durabila a oraselor - noi concepte europene (Sustainable Development of Cities: New European Concepts), in Romanian (logiA 9:58-59, 2006)
* Privire asupra deteriorarii mediului (Looking at deterioration of the environment) - in English (Revista romana de bioetica 4(2):82-91, 2006)
* Synthetical approach to the Romanian Tisa Basin (Romanian Review of Regional Studies 3(1):1-132, 2007)
* Ecologia si teologia ortodoxa (Ecology and Orthodox Theology) - in Romanian (Revista romana de bioetica 5(3):62-66, 2007)
* Levels of biological diversity: a spatial approach to assessment methods (Romanian Review of Regional Studies 4(1):41-62, 2008)
* Integrarea in peisaj, I. U. C. N. si Conventia de la Florenta (Integration in landscape, I. U. C. N. and the Florence Convention), in Romanian (logiA 10:113-117, 2008)
* Management of archaeological sites in Tulcea County using an integrated geospatial system for their positioning and protection (Analles d'Universite "Valahia" Targoviste, section d’Archeologie et d’Histoire 11(2):41-50, 2010)
* GIS assessment of landform diversity covered by natural protected areas in Romania (Studia Universitatis Vasile Goldis, Life Sciences Series 19(2):359-363, 2009)
* Spatial approach to the assessment of anthropic impact on biodiversity based on the Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics (NUTS) applicable to Romania (Oltenia. Studii si comunicari. Stiintele Naturii 25(1):305-308, 2009)
* Chestionar pentru evaluarea cursurilor si a lucrarilor practice: un model rezultat din experienta americana si autohtona conform cerintelor procesului de la Bologna (Questionnaire for evaluating courses and workshops: a model resulted from American and Romanian experience in compliance with the requirements of the Bologna process) (Revista de cercetare in stiintele educatiei, 27 April 2009)
* Ecology and sustainable spatial development: theory and practice (logiA 13:37-41, 2010)
* GIS analysis of an area representative for the Romanian hardly accessible mountain regions with a complex and high-valued touristic potential (Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 5(2):203-210, 2010)
* Long-term dynamics of zooplankton in the Matita and Merhei shallow lakes (the Danube Delta, Romania). 1. Diversity and abundance (Travaux du Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle "Grigore Antipa" 53:423-442, 2010)
* Characteristics of areas vulnerable to climate change in the Romanian Tisa catchment area (Romanian Review of Regional Studies 6(2):17-30, 2010)
* The Theory and Practice of Urban and Spatial Planning in Romania: Education, Laws, Actors, Procedures, Documents, Plans, and Spatial Organization. A Multiscale Analysis (Serbian Architectural Journal 2(2):139-154, 2010)
* GIS analysis of Romanian hardly accessible mountain regions with a complex and high-valued touristic potential (Romanian Journal of Regional Science 4(2):78-94, 2010)
* Analysis of regional development disparities in Romania using the Geographical Information Systems - English or Romanian (Romanian Statistical Review 58(8):10-24(RO)/25-37(EN), 2010)
* Potential accessibility and optimization of the national security corridor (Strategic Impact 36:89-98, 2010)
* GIS-based assessment of the landform distribution of 2100 predicted climate change and its influence on biodiversity and natural protected areas in Romania (Oltenia. Studii si comunicari. Stiintele Naturii 26(1):247-256, 2010)
* Dynamics of geodiversity and eco-diversity in territorial systems (Journal of Urban and Regional Analysis 2(1):61-70, 2010)
* Development disparities in the administrative/territorial units in Romania: hierarchy, methods, indicators, statistical analysis - English or Romanian (Romanian Statistical Review 58(5):6-16(RO)/16-26(EN), 2010)
* Orientation of communication routes and balanced regional development (Theoretical and Empirical Researches in Urban Management 7(16):32-45, 2010)
* Subject-Level Trend Analysis in Clinical Trials (Journal of Applied Quantitative Methods 5(1), 2010)
* Ethical Issues in Epidemiological Data Analysis - English or Romanian (Revista romana de bioetica 8(1):101-109, 2010)
* Metode moderne de predare a disciplinelor conexe formatiei de arhitect, urbanist sau peisagist in sprijinul cerintelor procesului de la Bologna (Modern methods for teaching auxiliary disciplines for a background in architecture, urban and landscape planning meeting the Bologna requirements) - in Romanian (Science Papers Session "Formative Dimension of the Built Space", Department of Planning Bases, "Ion Mincu" University of Architecture and Urbanism, Bucharest, Romania, March 5, 2010)
* Clustering of approaches to microbiological image enhancement and classification based on Buser & Baroni-Urbani's algorithm and Dragomirescu's homogeneity (Journal of Control Engineering and Applied Informatics 12(1):21-29, 2010)
* Land cover and use changes and predicted climate changes in Romania: Connections underlined by their spatial distributions (Oltenia. Studii si comunicari. Stiintele Naturii 28(1):141-148, 2012)
* Higher education post-Bologna: required changes, instruments and ethical aspects (Acta Didactica Napocensia 4(2-3):39-45, 2011)
* Assessing the vulnerability to climate change in the Romanian part of Tisza river basin (Research Journal of Agricultural Science 43(3):429-436, 2011)
* GIS assessment of development gaps among Romanian administrative units (Theoretical and Empirical Researches in Urban Management 6(4):5-19, 2011)
* Geostatistical analysis of the spatial distribution of areas affected by clime change in Romania based on 2100 predictions (Oltenia. Studii si comunicari. Stiintele naturii 27(1):143-147, 2011)
* Maternal smoking and Down syndrome by maternal race (Analele Universitatii Dunarea de Jos din Galati, Medicina 17(1):15-18, 2011)
* The different consuming of primary eco-energies and their degradation in territorial systems (Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 6(2):251-260, 2011)
* Sustainable spatial development in the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve: Planning, architecture, seismic, construction and energy-related criteria (The Asian Conference on Sustainability, Energy & the Environment Proceedings, 2011) - check pp. 53-70
* Comparing the efficiency of transportation routes and corridors - Statistical-mathematical model - English or Romanian (Romanian Statistical Review 59(2):39-48(RO)/49-58(EN), 2011)
* The July surface temperature lapse in the Romanian Carpathians (Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 6(1):189-198, 2011)
* Railway passenger transport and the Romanian integration in the EU and NATO - approaches and methods for territorial research (Club Feroviar Conferences Railway passenger transport in the sustainable mobility agenda, March 28 - 29, 2012, Sibiu - Technical-scientific Colloquium, II Edition, RailwayPRO Science & Technology, pp. 31-35, 2012)
* Using GIS to manage and assess urban risks. A review comparing the experiences of Romania (in a European context) and the United States of America (ACSEE 2012. The Asian Conference on Sustainability, Energy & the Environment Proceedings, The International Academic Forum, Japan, pp. 135-147, 2012)
* Applications of Principal Component Analysis integrated with GIS (Procedia Environmental Sciences 14:247-256, 2012)
* Land cover and land use analysis of urban growth in Romania (Human Geographies 6(1):47-51, 2012)
* Contribution of environmental protections specialists to sustainable local and regional development in Romania (Present Environment and Sustainable Development 6(1):319-324, 2012)
* Dynamics of the environmental transformation processes during 1990-2006 in Romania reflected by land cover and use changes (Present Environment and Sustainable Development 6(1):353-365, 2012)
* Geographical Information Systems Assessment of Development Disparities Among Romanian Regions of Development (Romanian Review of Regional Studies 8(1):3-16, 2012)
* In search of a relevant indicator measuring territorial disparities in a transition country. Case study: Romania (Die Erde 144(1):69-81, 2013)
* Are human settlements ecological systems? (Oltenia. Studii si comunicari. Stiintele Naturii 29(1):227-232, 2013)
* Unconventional maps: Geography beyond the real territories (Romanian Review of Regional Studies 9(1):3-10, 2013)
* The shifting relationship between urban and spatial planning and the protection of the environment: Romania as a case study (Present Environment and Sustainable Development 7(1):267-277, 2013)
* Implications of spatial sustainability on the territorial planning framework in a transition country (ACSEE 2013. The Asian Conference on Sustainability, Energy & the Environment Proceedings, The International Academic Forum, Japan, pp. 182-191, 2013)
* New approach for elaborating environmental studies as part of territorial plans (Urbanism Architecture Constructions 4(3):33-38, 2013)
* Multi-, trans- and inter-disciplinarity, essential conditions for the sustainable development of human habitat (Urbanism Architecture Constructions 4(2):43-50, 2013)
* Changing Microspatial Patterns of Sulfate-Reducing Microorganisms (SRM) During Cycling of Marine Stromatolite Mats (International Journal of Molecular Sciences 15(1):850-877, 2014)
* Diversity: towards an unifying concept joining theoretical and practical views of ecology and geography under a spatial and statistical framework (Oltenia. Studii si comunicari. Stiintele Naturii 30(1):236-244, 2014)
* Geostatistical approach to find ‘hotspots’ where biodiversity is at risk in a transition country (Present Environment and Sustainable Development 8(2):151-162, 2014)
* 25 years of sustainability. A critical analysis (Present Environment and Sustainable Development 8(1):175-190, 2014)
* Difficulties in achieving social sustainability in a biosphere reserve (The Asian Conference on Sustainability, Energy & the Environment Proceedings, 2014) - check pp. 131-146
* The territorial competitiveness of sustainability cannot be assessed by a single domain (Urbanism Architecture Constructions 5(4):27-34, 2014)
* Planning, architecture, seismic, construction and energy-related criteria for sustainable spatial development in the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve area (Urbanism Architecture Constructions 5(3):55-68, 2014)
* Methodology for assessing environmental quality in the Romanian coastal area using GIS (Urbanism Architecture Constructions 5(3):69-72, 2014)
* Energy and eco-energy: the Romanian territory seen from the global change nexus viewpoint (Urbanism Architecture Constructions 5(1):37-44, 2014)
* Romanian technological risk objectives (SEVESO). Effects on land use and territorial planning (Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 10(4):201-208)
* Assessment of the Green Infrastructure of Bucharest using CORINE and Urban Atlas data (Urbanism Architecture Constructions 6(2):19-24, 2015)
* Using CORINE data to look at deforestation in Romania: Distribution & possible consequences (Urbanism Architecture Constructions 6(1):83-90, 2015)
* Assessing microscale environmental changes: CORINE vs. the Urban Atlas (Present Environment and Sustainable Development 9(2):95-104, 2015)
* Land cover and land use changes reflecting the environmental impacts of declining economies. Case study: south-west development region, Romania (Romanian Journal of Geography 59(1):29-39, 2015)
* Deltas of the World: A Possible Comparison (The Asian Conference on Sustainability, Energy & the Environment Proceedings, 2015) - check pp. 157-170
* Ecological model of Romanian research and education – A systemic approach (Oltenia. Studii şi comunicări. Ştiinţele Naturii 31(1):229-236, 2015)
* Difficulties in achieving social sustainability in a biosphere reserve (International Journal of Conservation Science 7(1): 123-136, 2016)
* Evolving strategies of the predatory journals (Malaysian Journal of Library and Information Science 21(1):1-17, 2016)
* Assessing the fragmentation of the green infrastructure in Romanian cities using fractal models and numerical taxonomy (Procedia Environmental Sciences 32:110-123, 2016)
* Resilience: ecological and socio-spatial models evolve while understanding the equilibrium (Urbanism Architecture Constructions 7(4):341-348, 2016)
* Geographical Information Systems as environmental, landscape and urban planning and research tools. Romania as a case study (Space and time visualisation, Springer Nature, Geneva, Switzerland, pp. 233-249, 2016)
* Hydroclimatic dynamics in southwestern Romania drylands over the past 50 years (Journal of Earth System Science 125(6):1255-1271, 2016)
* Analysis of the polycentricity of Romanian county residences (Urbanism Architecture Constructions 7(4):301-320, 2016)
* Assessment of the long-term effects of global changes within the Romanian natural protected areas (International Journal of Conservation Science 7(3):759-770, 2016)
* Assessing the efficiency of the Romanian natural protected areas in conserving priority habitats (Oltenia. Studii şi comunicări. Ştiinţele Naturii 32(1):191-194, 2016)
* A diversity-based approach to the spatial development of socio-ecological systems (Urbanism Architecture Constructions 8(2):143-162, 2017)
* Organizing urban planning doctoral education in a global context (Urbanism Architecture Constructions 8(3):239-248, 2017)
* Geostatistical analyses of communication routes in a geo-strategic and regional development perspective (Urbanism Architecture Constructions 8(4):341-354, 2017)
* Using spatial metrics to assess the efficacy of biodiversity conservation within the Romanian Carpathian Convention area (Present Environment and Sustainable Development 11(1):119-127, 2017)
* Joint ecological, geographical and planning vision of the components of urban socio-ecological complexes (Lucrarile seminarului geografic Dimitrie Cantemir 45:179-190, 2017)
* 2010-2012 land cover and use changes in Romania – an overall assessment based on CORINE data (Present Environment and Sustainable Development 11(2):35-43, 2017)
* Long term urbanization within and around the large cities in developing countries: a Romanian perspective on the main transitional dynamics (Algerian Journal of Engineering, Architecture and Urbanism 1(1):14-19, 2017)
* GIS-based IT model for assessing territorial accessibility in Romania (International Journal of Human Settlements 1(2):13-23, 2017)
* Are population and its density significant predictors for urbanization? Inconclusive results from Romanian cities over 100,000 during 1990-2012 (International Journal of Human Settlements 1(1):3-8, 2017)
* Brief critical analysis of concepts used for assessing the market value to ecosystem goods and services in urban and spatial plans (Journal of Urban and Landscape Planning 1-2:98-108, 2017)
* Are the predatory publishers collapsing or re-inventing themselves? (Library and Information Science Research Electronic Journal 27(2):71-79, 2017)
* Spatial ecological, biogeographical and landform distribution of 2006-2012 land cover and use changes in Romania (Oltenia. Studii şi comunicări. Ştiinţele Naturii 33(1):147-153, 2017)
* UAV solutions for the protection and management of cultural heritage. Case study: the Halmyris archaeological site (International Journal of Conservation Science 9(4):795-804, 2018)
* Transitional dynamics based trend analysis of land cover and use changes in Romania during 1990-2012 (Present Environment and Sustainable Development 12(2):215-231, 2018)
* Biodiversity conservation and strategies of public awareness. Case study: the natural landscapes of central Tunisia (Present Environment and Sustainable Development 12(2):263-278, 2018)
* Predatory Publishers using Spamming Strategies for Call for Papers and Review Requests: A Case Study (DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology 38(3):199-207, 2018)
* Romanian spatial planning research facing the challenges of globalizing sciences (Urbanism Architecture Constructions 9(1):81-88, 2018)
* GIS quantitative assessment of 1990-2006 deforestations within Romanian natural protected areas (Studia Universitatis Vasile Goldis, Life Sciences Series 28(1):7-13, 2018)
* Urbanization and risks: case of Bejaia city in Algeria (Human Geographies 12(1):97-114, 2018)
* La conservation de la biodiversité peut-elle être une source d’inspiration pour le patrimoine architectural? (Lucrarile seminarului geografic Dimitrie Cantemir 46(1):105-119, 2018)
* Communism and environmentalism: A doctrine-based review of similarities and differences (Lucrarile seminarului geografic Dimitrie Cantemir 46(2):129-137, 2018)
* Methodology for assessing the Romanian functional urban areas using GIS and LAU 2 territorial indicators (Territorial Identity and Development 3(1):24-37, 2018)
* Metropolization of large urban centers in Romania: Analyses and solutions (Algerian Journal of Engineering, Architecture and Urbanism 2(1):8-17, 2018)
* 2006-2012 land cover and use changes in Romanian natural protected areas (Oltenia. Studii şi comunicări. Ştiinţele Naturii 34(1):247-252, 2018)
* Communism and environmentalism: documenting environmental conflicts induced by changing political regimes / Przestępstwa środowiskowe wczesnego komunizmu w Rumunii: działania wobec wrogów rolnictwa (Problemy ekorozwoju - Problems of sustainable development 14(1):175-184, 2019)
* The use and misuse of statistics in research: theory and practice (Revista Română de Statistică 67(2):59-70, 2019)
* A new approach to predict the compression index using artificial neural network and multiple regression analysis (Marine Georesources & Geotechnology 37(6):704-720, 2019)
* The impact of the absence of the communication on the success of the rehabilitation projects of the built heritage: The case of the old city of Constantine (Present Environment and Sustainable Development 13(1):225-239, 2019)
* From ecology & spatial planning to urban & territorial ecology (Oltenia. Studii şi comunicări. Ştiinţele Naturii 35(2):214-220, 2019)
* How efficient is the protection of biodiversity through natural protected areas in Romania? (Oltenia. Studii şi comunicări. Ştiinţele Naturii 35(1):223-226, 2019)
* No Ethics in the Eastern Europe: A Story from Moldova (European Science Editing 45(2):56-57, 2019)
* Mapping potential environmental conflicts in the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve (Scientific Annals of the Danube Delta Institute 24:175-181, 2019)
* Multifunctionality of the oasis ecosystem. Case study: Biskra Oasis, Algeria (Contemporary Urban Affairs 2(3):31-39, 2019)
* Trends in the National and Regional Transitional Dynamics of Land Cover and Use Changes in Romania (Remote Sensing 12(2):230, 2020)
* Degradation of the coastlines under the pressure of urbanization: evidence from Europe and Africa (Land 9(8):275, 2020)
* Exploring the Urban Strength of Small Towns in Romania (Social Indicators Research 152(3):843-875, 2020)
* Environmental perception of young urban planners after an ecology course: the surprise of a total disagreement (Present Environment and Sustainable Development 14(1):37-49, 2020)
* Counting for sustainability: the risks of creating a market for the environment (Present Environment and Sustainable Development 14(1):167-184, 2020)
* An Overview of the Dynamics of Relative Research Performance in Central-Eastern Europe using a Ranking-Based Analysis derived from SCImago Data (Publications 8(3):36, 2020)
* Environmentalism, sozology, and ecology: from attitudes to science (Oltenia. Studii şi comunicări. Ştiinţele Naturii 35(2):211-219, 2020)
* Long term dynamic of urban green spaces in Romania (Oltenia. Studii şi comunicări. Ştiinţele Naturii 35(1):211-214, 2020)
* Are the Romanian natural protected areas properly covering the wetlands? (Scientific Annals of the Danube Delta Institute 25: 55-59, 2020)
* Peer Review Under the Ethical Lens: Possible Questions (BOSNIACA 25: 183-197, 2020)
* A Historical View of Addressing the Connectivity of the Green Infrastructure by the Urban Plans (IICSE Hawaii. IAFOR International Conference on Sustainability, Energy & the Environment, Japonia, article no. 59177, pp. 33-47, 2021)
* Cuvânt al „conexelor” despre generozitatea profesiei de arhitect (Buletinul informativ UAR redactat la filiala Sibiu 8(7): 43-47, 2021)
* Green infrastructure and spatial planning: a legal framework (Oltenia. Studii şi comunicări. Ştiinţele Naturii 37(1): 217-224, 2021)
* Old proverbs for a future sustainable development: an environmental management perspective (Present Environment and Sustainable Development 15(1): 93-107, 2021)
* Predicting future urban flood risk using land change and hydraulic modeling in a river watershed in the central province of Vietnam (Remote Sensing 13(2): 262, 2021)
* Influence of Land Use on Avian Diversity in North African Urban Environments (Land 10(4): 434, 2021)
* Recent land cover and use in Romania: A conservation perspective (Present Environment and Sustainable Development 15(1): 81-92, 2021)
* Economic valuation of heritage buildings using revealed preference methods. Historical center of Bucharest Municipality as a case study (Heritage 4(3): 2356-2376, 2021)
* Predation, plagiarism, and perfidy (portal: Libraries and the Academy 21(4): 685-693, 2021)
* Dynamics of Open Green Areas in Polish and Romanian Cities During 2006-2018: Insights for Spatial Planners (Remote Sensing 13(20): 4041, 2021)
* Socio-spatial impact of slum dwellers relocation in Algiers: a flow analysis using Qgis (Present Environment and Sustainable Development 15(2): 245-258, 2021)
* Predatory journals: how far can they go? An in-depth look at the outliers (BOSNIACA 26: 137-154, 2021)
* Planification des infrastructures urbaines vertes et les défis du développement urbain durable : une analyse littérature (Lucrările conferinţei de cercetare în construcţii, economia construcţiilor, urbanism şi amenajarea teritoriului 22: 41-52, 2022)
* Reviewing and evaluating the efficiency of urban laws and regulations in the city of Lattakia, Syria (Lucrările conferinţei de cercetare în construcţii, economia construcţiilor, urbanism şi amenajarea teritoriului 22: 63-70, 2022)
* A Polish-Romanian perspective on how planning influences the dynamics of urban green infrastructure (Lucrările conferinţei de cercetare în construcţii, economia construcţiilor, urbanism şi amenajarea teritoriului 21: 5-8, 2022)
* Do we regulate to create buildings or to create places? Conventional regulations vs form-based codes (Lucrările conferinţei de cercetare în construcţii, economia construcţiilor, urbanism şi amenajarea teritoriului 21: 9-14, 2022)
* Soluţii informatice de planificare a călătoriilor în scop turistic utilizând transportul combinat (Lucrările conferinţei de cercetare în construcţii, economia construcţiilor, urbanism şi amenajarea teritoriului 21: 29-36, 2022)
* Geo-statistical Approaches to Study the Influence of Land Use on Avifauna in North Africa (Future Challenges in Sustainable Urban Planning & Territorial Management. Proceedings of the SUPTM 2022 conference, pag. 229-232, 2022)
* Methodology for identifying the ecological corridors. Case study: planning the brown bear corridors in the Romanian Carpathians / Metodologia para identificação dos corredores ecológicos. Estudo de caso: planejamento para os corredores do urso pardo nos Cárpatos romanos (Revista Verde / Green Journal 1(2): 174-202, 2022)
* 3D digitization techniques used for cultural heritage documentation. Case study: Cioabă-Chinţescu kula (Algerian Journal of Engineering, Architecture and Urbanism 6(3): 1-15, 2022)
* 3D reconstruction of a Balkan architectural monument - Kula, using intelligent photogrammetry solutions based on UAV and 3D Scanner (Algerian Journal of Engineering, Architecture and Urbanism 6(3): 16-23, 2022)
* Intermodal GIS analysis model for assessing the travel cost to tourist resorts in Romania (CACTUS 4(2): 35-45, 2022)
* Long term wetland-related land cover and use changes in Romania (Scientific Annals of the Danube Delta Institute 27: 113-116, 2022)
* A novel hybrid approach to flood susceptibility assessment based on machine learning and land use change. Case study: a river watershed in Vietnam (Hydrological Sciences Journal 67(7): 1065-1083, 2022)
* Mechanisms of Change in Urban Green Infrastructure - Evidence from Romania and Poland (Land 11(5): 592, 2022)
* Evaluating the Effects of Climate and Land Use Change on the Future Flood Susceptibility in the Central Region of Vietnam by Integrating Land Change Modeler, Machine Learning Methods (Geocarto International, 2021)
* Characterization and Planning of Household Waste Management: A case study from the MENA Region (Sustainability 14(9): 5461, 2022)
* Cropland Abandonment and Flood Risks: Spatial Analysis of a Case in North Central Vietnam (Anthropocene 38: 100341, 2022)
* Methodology for Identifying Ecological Corridors: A Spatial Planning Perspective (Land 11(7): 1013, 2022)
* The Importance of Behavioral and Native Factors on COVID-19 Infection and Severity: Insights from a Preliminary Cross-Sectional Study (Healthcare 10(7): 1341, 2022)
* The Role of Spatial Plans Adopted at the Local Level in the Spatial Planning Systems of Central and Eastern European Countries (Land 11(9): 1599, 2022)
* The role of ports in developing Danube cities: perspectives and future possibilities (Present Environment and Sustainable Development 16(2): 113-126, 2022)
* Preserving cultural heritage by landsape planning. Case study: the Cioabă-Chinţescu kula (Oltenia. Studii şi comunicări. Ştiinţele Naturii 38(1): 198-204, 2022)
* Influence of predatory journals on the publishing behavior of researchers from countries with a short western-style academic publishing tradition. A language perspective (Journal of Teaching English for Specific and Academic Purposes 10(3): 493-503, 2022)
* Protection of Environmental and Natural Values of Urban Areas against Investment Pressure: A Case Study of Romania and Poland (Land 12(1): 245, 2023)
* Assessing public opinion using self-organizing maps. Lessons from urban planning in Romania (Landscape and Urban Planning 231: 104641, 2023)
* Natural Protected Areas within Cities: An International Legislative Comparison Focused on Romania (Land 12(7): 1279, 2023)
* Conceptual Model for Integrating the Green-Blue Infrastructure in Planning Using Geospatial Tools: Case Study of Bucharest, Romania Metropolitan Area (Land 12(7): 1432, 2023)
* Assessing the negative effects of suburbanization: the urban sprawl restrictiveness index in Romania’s metropolitan areas (Land 12(5): 966, 2023)
* Protection of Environmental and Natural Values of Urban Areas against Investment Pressure: A Case Study of Romania and Poland (Land 12(1): 245, 2023)
* Extended suburbanisation and land cover dynamics in post-socialist metropolitan areas: Evidence from Romania (dISP - The Planning Review 59(2): 88-102, 2023)
* Using the benefits of green infrastructure: the green belt of Bucharest (Oltenia. Studii şi comunicări. Ştiinţele Naturii 39(2): 251-260, 2023)
* Challenges for sustainable suburban communities: comparing suburbanization in Romanian and Italian metropolitan areas (Italian Journal of Planning Practice 13(1): 47-75, 2023)
* Analytical model of green-blue connectivity in the metropolitan area of Bucharest (Present Environment and Sustainable Development 17(2): 153-164, 2023)
* Are science metrics beneficial to sustainability? A standpoint of disciplines with a societal impact (Present Environment and Sustainable Development 17(1): 127-137, 2023)
* Deciphering green infrastructure patterns in Eastern Europe: focus on Bucharest, Romania and Chisinau, Republic of Moldova (Present Environment and Sustainable Development 17(1): 321-334, 2023)
All papers contained on this site have been published or presented, therefore any partial or total use or reproduction of any information contained in these files must receive the prior consent of the authors.